Você sabia? Povos Não Alcançados. MUP

Vídeo legendado por mim e produzido pelo MUP (Missions to Unreached People) durante o III Congresso Lausanne na Cidade do Cabo Original aqui: https://lmconversation.wpengine.com/pt/conversations/detail/11432  

Statistics from Paul Eshleman on UUPG’s

Has anybody have written down all the statistics that Paul Eshleman gave to us this morning on the unreached unengaged people groups of the world?  Would you be willing to share that in written form?  

Foreign vs National: Who is reaching the UPGs?

Who is doing most of the pioneer missions work on the mission field today – foreign missionaries or national missionaries?  By pioneer missions work, I guess I will define it as making disciples among unreached people groups, so it isRead more…


What do we think that women are still wearing burkas in Afghanistan? The question is not only for their wearing of this kind of clothes but because of what it means for women in that country, moreover the mistreatment andRead more…

Rompiendo Paradigmas y estructuras para llegar a los no alcanzados

Estamos en Valencia, y Maturín en  Venezuela, Sur América,  hemos visto y experimentado una salida para alcanzar a los Grupos Humanos no alcanzados, especificamente espiritistas y ocultistas, algunos de los cuales mediante los medios de comunicación difundian sus enseñanzas. EstasRead more…