Lasting Peace Comes Only Through Jesus

People throughout the world long for peace. Satisfying this longing, however, requires a change of heart that is out of reach for everyone apart from God’s grace.

Los llamó “Seres Humanos” Gn 5:1-2

“Cuando Dios creó al ser humano, lo hizo a semejanza de Dios mismo… El día que fueron creados los llamó “Seres humanos” Gn 5:1-2.                                        La imagen de Dios nos habla de la capacidad que tenemos de relacionarnos con Dios. EsRead more…

The Cost of Forgiveness . . . We Can Only Imagine

As believers, we may think of what Jesus left to come and live among us – the grandeur of heaven, His majesty, the adoring angels, and, yet, while on earth He communicated with God the Father through prayer. We willRead more…

Born to Die – The REAL Christmas Story

Jesus Christ is the only person who has ever lived whose primary purpose of being in the world was to die. His death was the supreme gift that allowed us to have eternal life. May we celebrate HIM during thisRead more…

Lessons From Christian Peace-Building in Kenya

This article is a part of the September 2013 issue of the Lausanne Global Analysis. Access other articles from this issue or download the full issue as a free PDF download INTRODUCTION A perusal of global events will often yieldRead more…

Merciful Justice – Thankful Response to Christ’s Love

Philippians 4:5 has a significant translation challenge that centers on one word. Versions of the Bible translate this one word differently. This word, however, is to be a characteristic of every believer and is easily recognizable. When this characteristic isRead more…

“Ven”, ¡Vas a ver aun cosas más grandes que estas! Jn 1:43-51

Felipe aparece en la escritura como aquel que busco a Natanael. Le dijo: “Hemos encontrado a Jesús de Nazaret, el hijo de José, aquel de quien escribió Moisés en la ley, y de quien escribieron los profetas” (Jn 1:45). NatanaelRead more…

God’s Peace can be Yours

Divine peace comes from God and His Son, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:3). This peace is a tranquil harmony of heart and mind that maintains Christ-centered wellbeing regardless of circumstances or people. From a measurable perspective, the peace of ChristRead more…