2010 Status of Southern Europe

Originally posted at http://www.justinlong.org/2010/07/southern-europe/ The nations of Southern Europe were once great empires, but most have lost the glories of past positions and are struggling to advance into the modern global economy.The individual countries are fairly small, having few preciousRead more…


Texto Bíblico: Romanos 12:1-2 “Por lo tanto hermanos, os ruego por las misericordias de Dios que presentéis vuestros cuerpos como sacrificio vivo, santo agradable a Dios, que es vuestro verdadero culto. No os conforméis a este mundo, sino transformaos porRead more…

2010 Status of Russia

Russia is the focus country for Eastern Europe (which we covered last week). It is the largest country in the world, spanning all of Asia and nearly half of Europe, and is the world’s largest in terms of forest reserves,Read more…


La montée islamique en Centrafrique est un signal fort et un defi. Cela nous engage à revoir nos strategies de travail

2010 Status of Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe (Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine) has one of the largest landmasses of any region in the world. Russia is the largest country in the world, and Ukraine is the second largest inRead more…

Completing the Body of Christ – Missing Peoples

Completing the Body of Christ – Missing Peoples Submitted by Victor John   How do we define ‘missing people’? Our world is predominantly Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and scores of people without access to the gospel.  Since all human beings are createdRead more…

World  Evangelization  in  the  21st  Century

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Paul Eshleman on behalf of the Lausanne Strategy Working Group as an overview of the topic to be presented at the Morning Plenary Session on “Priorities in WorldRead more…

Contextualization Series: Why Contextualize? (2/3)

  [FULL ARTICLE]      As we continue to consider theological foundations for contextualization (there will be four in total before I’m finished), let me provide a third consideration today.  You’ll recall that already we’ve established that the imitation of Christ requiresRead more…

Povos Indígenas

Este é um pequeno documentário q fizemos na Aldeia El betel, em barra do Corda, Ma.

What’s Prayer Got to Do with It?

A friend just emailed me, “I ran across a video yesterday where someone asked John Piper, “Why do we need more people praying? Does more mean God is more likely to answer?” His response was that  when more people pray,Read more…