Missison Must Be Ecumenical

If we are to live as “resident aliens” in the West, as I suggested at the end of my article last week, then we will have to understand that there are several significant elements to the real success of ourRead more…

Integrity and Partnership in Mission

The idea of “integrity” is something that is complete. It is whole, without missing parts, full, perfect, with appropriate weight and measure. When referring to a person, it’s about the pure, proven, without cracks.   When we speak of mission,Read more…

Slavic Voice of America Speaks to Lindsay Brown

На сервере Медиа-группы Slavic Voice of America существует раздел матрериалов Лозаннского Конгресса http://www.slavicvoice.org/category/lauzanne После Третьего Лозаннского Конгресса в Кейптауне в октябре 2010 года провела расследование на тему «Почему российские церкви бойкотировали Третью Лозанну?». В интервью Людмиле Тараненко (Качкар) свое мнениеRead more…

Confession – The Ultimate Test of Truthfulness

There are not many reliable avenues to gain insight into the “real you” . . . but your words, like a mirror, reflect what is in your heart. A confession is actually an acknowledgment of something, either good or bad. AnRead more…

Integridad y Cooperación en la misión

La palabra Integridad nos habla que algo debe estar completo, entero, que no carece de ninguna de sus partes, cabal, perfecta, ajustada a peso o medida, lo que le cabe a cada uno, puro, probado, que no tiene fisuras.  Read more…