Funding Scientific Research upon the Sin & Holiness for a Sustainable Development within the genuine Christian Spirituality.

It is urged by scientific curiosity (<Lat. curiositas,desire to know”, from the adjective curiosus, “curious, eager to know, who is worried about”, from cura, worry, concern”) that the old Continent [Europe] funded travels for discoveries of the blank zones (unreached people and areas) on the Globe Map. Before creating the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and then, at the Conference of Stockholm, in 1972, and even when setting up the United Nations Industrial Development (UNID), the major worry of mankind on Earth was industrial development, nothing else than that.

20 years later, i.e., on Rio Conference in 1992, worries of human being evolved towards the duet Environment & Development because of unchecked Industrial Development with its retinue of ozone layer’s depletion, planet warming, pollutions (noise, water, air, soil) and their harmful effects on short-middle-long-terms upon human kind and his environment (plants, animals, minerals). Taking the environmental dimensions into account while developing gives another name to the duet Environment & Development, this is, Sustainable Development.

From then on, the 20 other last years, materialized by the upcoming Conference of Rio + 20, from 1992 to 2012, the worry of best being of the Planet Earth urges the same mankind to put emphasis on scientific research (coming back to the same scientific curiosity) within sight to have an Industrial Development respectful of Natural Environment and therefore that endures. The respect and control of natural laws allow today, integrated, balanced and sustainable Development in the time and space. Scientific Research becomes something we cannot get round for any serious development on Earth if this one doesn’t want to be hazardous, feeling its way, without foresight and/or forecasting, etc.

In fact, in years 1960, Cote d’Ivoire and Korea were at the same level of Development. Today, Korea is ranked among Developed (or Industrialized) Countries thanks to their flawless attachment to scientific research. Korea comes at the top of invention patents holders (Korea: 2600 patents/millions of inhabitants; Japan: 2500 patents/millions of inhabitants; USA: 800 patents/millions of inhabitants; etc.).

Everywhere we talk about Christian Churches with renewed spirituality on the Earth; we’ll deplore the fact that it takes place within more or less a spiritual environment of disorder, of shambles. The outlines and surroundings of Holiness and Sin remain up to now fuzzy again, threatening thus the Salvation assurance of the so-called already saved. The Spiritual Development is randomly doneand therefore remain ephemeral; whereas it’s Jesus Christ’s Church that received a priesthood that will be extended to eternity. …

SIN CURE (SIN and holiness sciences Centre for University Research, Experiments and teaching: Peccatology & Cadoshology), Research Centre upon Sin & Holiness, expects to be an example of Research for Sustainable Spiritual Development. If we could succeed in financing our scientific research upon the Sin and Holiness, we will accept the challenge of model of Sustainable Development Institution as regards Christian Spirituality; and/or of  Church without neither spots nor wrinkles nor nothing alike, i.e., control of spiritual laws or parameters of foreseeing strengthening our Salvation assurance.