Book Summary Together with God in the Garden (Genesis 2-3)Together with Christ in the Church (Ephesians 5-6)Corrected and Restored by Christ (1 Timothy 2-3) with discussion starters after each chapter This easy-to-read commentary helps us think again about whatRead more…
Rumores en Lausanne III
Están circulando rumores de que algunos delegados querian boicotear la ponencia de Ruth Padilla con su inasistencia porque era mujer, esta información fue recogida por Twitr, si tienen alguna información pueden dejarla aqui.
هل يصبح الرجال قادة أفضل من النساء؟
هل يصبح الرجال قادة أفضل من النساء؟ دُرس هذا المقال بكلية اللاهوت ، قمت بتنقيحة وإضافة راي الشخصي مع تعليقي بقلم القس أفضل وليم (From Julie A. Gorman, Community that is Christian: A Handbook on Small Groups, 2nd ed., GrandRead more…
ايح هل بيتك بدون كلام!!!
أربح اهل بيتك من غير كلام!!!! أيتها الزوجات، كل واحدة منكن يجب أن تخضع لزوجها بنفس الطريقة. فحتى إن كان الزوج لا يؤمن بكلام الله، يمكن أن تربحه زوجته بسلوكها من غير حاجة إلى كلام. وذلك عندما يرى أنها تسلكRead more…
Justice for clergy wives, myth or reality?
The text below has been formulated and submitted by the author to the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre, for discussion at the 13 October 2010 public debate on: “RAINBOW NATION: MYTH OR REALITY?” Slave Lodge : Proposed question for public debateRead more…
Egalitarian or Complementarian?: Lausanne Theology Discussion (4 of 7)
Question #4 – Is this affirmation by the LTWG meant to be an affirmation of the egalitarian view over against the complementarian? If not, can this be clarified? Today, I continue my series of questions and reflections related to theRead more…
Women & Evangelism
Women are asking questions ….seeking answers… Who am I? What am I worth? Do I have any significance?’ Arpana’ [of OM] reaches out to Christian women to understand their identity in Christ, grow to their full potential and become dedicated women ofRead more…
Réaliser l’unité du corps du Christ au sein du couple conjugal
Réaliser l’unité du corps du Christ au sein du couple conjugal L’Epître aux Ephésiens parle de l’unité au sein du corps du Christ, l’Eglise. Le chapitre 5, verset 21 à 33 fait une grande contribution à la réalisation pratique deRead more…
Who Do They Say That I Am? The Identity of Muslim Women and the Hope of the Gospel
You mustn’t give up hope. If walls are high, the sky is higher still. A U. N worker in Iran to female refugees preparing to go back to Afghanistan under Taliban rule. From the motion picture Kandhahar Read more…
Women in Ministry: Joys and Challenges
As a woman in ministry I have experinced both joys and challenges. Challenges come for within and outside the church. I started my own ministry, PreachSista!, as a way for women to come together to share their faith and theRead more…