Major Gifts: A Thing of the Heart – Introduction

I was listening to her tell her story. A single mom and her small child in trouble, they were helped by this nonprofit. She told me where they lived, how they both had been abused by a very controlling man,Read more…

Tracking your Donors – 5 Trends

As you track your donors, there are 5 trends you need to carefully monitor. A donor is giving exactly what they promised. A donor increased his or her pledge. A donor stopped giving. A donor decreased his or her giving.Read more…

2016 European Organisational Development and Fundraising Network

This Network’s annual curriculum will focus on helping leaders learn how to do development and fundraising through a variety of biblically-based principles. The Network will be taught by Jerry Twombly, Founder and Executive Director, BGW Development. Prior preparation will be setRead more…

Major Gift Fundraising – By the Numbers

With a hat tip to Tony Martignetti, this week’s infographic from Bloomerang, the donor management software vendor, is full of interesting stats and advice re that elusive but much-sought-after fundraising prize: the major gift. Based on data from a Bloomerang survey of more thanRead more…

The Route 7 Stewardship Journey Road Map

The Generous Life Route 7 road map is a tool to help apply Biblical principles in a simple and systematic way to your finances. The map has seven steps with clear-steps to complete on the journey. Notice in the sevenRead more…

Community Foundation Atlas Website

Since the creation of the first community foundation in America in 1914, the concept of contributing resources to a permanent community improvement fund has been adopted and adapted by citizens on every continent except Antarctica. As local people everywhere seekRead more…

3 Things to Know About Donor Behavior

When I first got into fundraising, I executed campaigns without worrying too much about donors or spending a lot of time thinking about why or how they responded to particular strategies or appeals. Eventually, I realized that if development professionalsRead more…

6 Steps to Guide Your Fund Raising Presentation

When you sit down for a fund raising presentation you have several questions that need to be answered. How do I begin? When do I talk about my financial goal? When do I ask for their support? Here are 6Read more…

10 Ways to Cast a Generosity Vision in Your Church

  Long gone are the days when folks gave to the church simply because that was the expectation. Dollars are often tight. Members have sometimes seen church dollars spent poorly. Young people in general want to support hands-on, personal ministry.Read more…