4 Creative Ways to Teach Stewardship This Fall

You’ve tried sermons. Sermon series. Special offerings. The “ask.” Finance committees. Stewardship campaigns. And none of it seems effective at truly making biblical stewardship part of your church’s culture. Talk about frustrating! Here’s the thing, though: Stewardship—understanding that God ownsRead more…

A thousand torments of a giver

What is the best way to provide care to a stranger? Anna Chistyakova explores available options and possibilities to help a homeless person and finds herself overwhelmed, yet is not convinced what she should be doing as a giver. Almost every day on my way to workRead more…

Unshakable Generosity – a 6 Week Curriculum for your Church

We found something recently that got us pretty excited. The Unshakables is a 13-week curriculum developed by Michael Chapman. From years on staff in the media, communications, creative, worship, and arts departments at churches large and small in the States andRead more…

Three Lessons for Steward Leaders

What should we say to constituents when the ministry we serve has financial needs? Recently a ministry leader emailed me and asked for advice before sending a message to board members and ministry supporters. While I will keep the identityRead more…

2014 Individual Donor Benchmark Report

The 2014 Individual Donor Benchmark Report intends to help grassroots organizations in the USA strengthen their fundraising efforts. The Report found that the single most important thing organisations can do to strengthen their individual donor fundraising is to create a fundraisingRead more…

7 Benefits for Raising Funds

Many people are given the assignment to raise funds, and yet the reality is they have never raised funds before. So it is fair to ask the question “Why raise financial support?” I want to unveil for you the benefits ofRead more…

China: the fundraising dragon awakes

Or, how do you persuade more than half a billion1 affluent, as yet uninspired individuals that they should become charity donors for the first time ever? Modern China is no newcomer to addressing social issues, leading development, tackling poverty reduction or helping thoseRead more…