How to Build a Generation of Leaders – Video

Many of those in Christian leadership are not reflecting Christlike qualities. The video shows Idi Amin, the former president of Uganda, and his harsh leadership style. Download Options PC users: Right click a link and choose “Save as” to downloadRead more…

Minority Report

Listening to voices of dissent and discontent can be hard.  Listening to them well can be painful. Listening to people express tension when you have planned and worked so hard toward unity can be almost impossible. The  voices are there.  TheyRead more…

لغة العالم ولغة المسيح في حياة القائد

  لغة العالم ولغة المسيح بقلم القس أفضل وليم أصبحت لغة العالم المفضلة اليوم هي “الأنا” ،لغة ولهجة يتكلم بها كل كبير وصغير ،رجل كان أم امرأة ، وهذه اللغة لا يفهمها إلا كل الذين أحبوا العالم برمته وكرّسوا لهRead more…


Responsabilidades de los Líderes Muchas gracias por ser un Líder Joven dispuesto a dar tu energía, esfuerzo y tiempo para que Dios cambie el rumbo de esta generación. No olvides que una de tus responsabilidades primordiales es dar; pero noRead more…

Amnesty for corrupt leaders in Africa, Why not?

Amnesty for corrupt leadership in Africa sounds like let these “blood suckers’ of the poor in Africa off the hook scort free. On the contrary this is an attempt to use one of the Christian teachings which invites corrupt leadersRead more…

Gaining His Favor: God loves leaders too.

Gaining His Favor On many occasions, I have pointed leaders to the passage in the Bible where John the Baptist is baptizing Jesus. The heavens open and there is a spiritual happening with audio where God’s voice was heard toRead more…

Barriers To Godly Leadership

What are some of the most common barriers that keep leaders from finishing well. If we are aware now, we can be on the alert for the trap that is designed for us personally. In the Arrow Leadership Program, leadersRead more…

Insecurity breeds misleadership.

Insecurity breeds misleadership. Insecurity erodes confidence within leaders and makes it very difficult for them to lead others. Nevertheless, many Christian leaders are insecure. Insecurity is tied to the paranoia I spoke of earlier and is crippling too many leadersRead more…

Calling for Pioneers – again

This year we have conferences/consultation/congress in several places -Tokyo, Edinburgh, Capetown.. ( & more)     We search and discuss about many issues in  mission. We seek where the new frontiers are. We are concerned about new generation. How do we raise up newRead more…