Praying, then Planning . . . don’t change the order

Planning often “runs ahead” of praying . . . which is a recipe for failure. As plans go forward in ministry and mission, may leaders make prayer THE priority for effective planning. To do otherwise speaks more of one’s ownRead more…

Loving Yourself . . . What Does the Bible Say?

Loving yourself is not a 3rd commandment that is somehow hidden in Matthew 22:36-40. Loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind and loving others as you already do love yourself are the TWO commandments on which all theRead more…

Common Misconceptions about Forgiveness

Forgiveness is known but not readily understood, which is a profound disconnect. The numerous misconceptions about forgiveness create difficulty for believers and unbelievers with regard to relational well-being. Believers who have a faulty perception about forgiveness are hindered in theirRead more…

Looking Back to Move Forward: Learning from Past Mistakes

I have noticed widespread ignorance of church history, especially among some of the younger church movements in South Africa today.  Many leaders are nearly completely ignorant of the story of Christianity and their place in it.  This ignorance seriously truncatesRead more…

Words – The Thermometer of Your Heart

The REAL YOU is revealed by your words. The “mirror image” of speech and heart has great value in evaluating your own walk with Christ. A believer who fails to listen to personal “words” (which are heard) and “thoughts” (whichRead more…

Truth – The Measure of Life and Relationships

Biblical Truth measures all aspects of life and relationships. Basic to this evaluation is an accurate definition of truth that is applicable to every in every culture. Ultimate truth has its source in God the Father, Son, and Spirit andRead more…

4 Questions for John Piper

John Piper was interviewed this week about his decision to pre-record his sermons and then show them instead of having a live preacher. Piper explained that because his church had grown so much they now had 3 campuses – spreadRead more…

Radio Series – Oral Communicators 4 – Promo

This is the 30-second promo for the fourth episode I produced on Oral Communicators. I also produced four episodes on another topic. See Down To Earth for other series on other topics. The audio of the full episode and aRead more…