Calling for Pioneers – again

This year we have conferences/consultation/congress in several places -Tokyo, Edinburgh, Capetown.. ( & more)   

 We search and discuss about many issues in  mission. We seek where the new frontiers are. We are concerned about new generation. How do we raise up new leaders?

The reality is Christian Church is going through shake up in many places around the world. Many committed Christians are leaving local churches in United States each month.  They want to go beyond “Sunday morning Christian” level. They are searching for meaning of “Church” again.

In Europe, great church buildings are for tourists. They need new models of ministry. – ( already happening in some places ) 

Maybe we need fresh new movements and pioneers again. Someone wrote. (quote):” The first generation in new movement is always the creative period. The second generation is the time of consolidation. The third generation moves into period of accomodation, conformity with prevailing norms and the establishment of harmonious relationship with other institutions that increases credibility.”

I agree  with the perspective that “Christian History is stories of movements.” We need new movements again and again. Because once a movement becomes established, it loses original vision/vitality. – (example: Methodist movement) Each generation needs new breed of pioneers for new ministries/missions. -” leaders who are willing to be pioneers.”

Lausanne movement influenced my mission journey. -from 1970’s. About 30 years ago, I read the book “Christian Mission in modern world” by John Stott in introductory mission course. We discussed the phrase “Missio Dei”.

I might have stated some strong words.  It is my perspective that 2010 is an important year for mission. I am just sharing my reflection. In our midst we are praying for special guidance and direction  this year.

Are you one of those called to be a pioneer? or are you willing to be one?  we need leaders who have pioneering spirit. what are your visions/goals in your own context?