Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is one of several things that transcends beyond the boundaries of race, culture, and economics.   Today, it has become a major topic in the United States media, especially in light of the football player Ray Rice’s situation being capturedRead more…

Screaming at Trees and Children

Many parents, perhaps the majority, admit to losing their tempers and screaming at their kids from time to time. Usually we shrug it off assuming that not much harm was done. But is that really the case?

No More Jesus swearing – Vid 001

One of my most important passions… and that is trying to STOP the abuse of God & Jesus’ names being abused in film & everyday life. I am seriously open to discussion on the topic… and welcome all from aroundRead more…

Journey to Freedom

For many, migration is a wonderful journey to freedom; a ticket to “New Life” for people wanting to pursue educations and careers, to reunite with family members, to start anew in new land.  I have heard so many positive migrationRead more…

Compassion not Condemnation

A few weeks ago I posted a blog on adoption of children. Read some heart breaking news related to unwanted babies in the link below ( This is not an isolated case! This has happened before — read about anotherRead more…

Chab Dai Advocacy 4 Action Pack

Chab Dai’s Advocacy 4 Action packs focus on mobilizing communities around the globe to advocate for an end to human trafficking, abuse and exploitation LOCALLY.Read more…