No More Jesus swearing – Vid 001

One of my most important passions… and that is trying to STOP the abuse of God & Jesus’ names being abused in film & everyday life. I am seriously open to discussion on the topic… and welcome all from around the world to play their part. 

I find it very hard how people can:

  1. Abuse His name in films (many extremely blatant)
  2. Abuse His name as if it is a swear word… without thought of guilt in the home or office
  3. and then expect Him to answer them… when they call out for help… after misusing His name many a time

I am into computers, film making and computer game designing, amongst others… but have come to use the media side I enjoy to make video’s & promote it on forums & websites… to:

  1. highlight it to people how they are abusing God’s name… and breaking the 3rd Commandment
  2. which is also the only sin that cannot be forgiven by God …
  3. and that is blasphemy against Him, His Son & the Holy Spirit

It might not mean much to many people… but if Christians don’t care how people use God’s name… then they can’t expect the non-believer to care at all either.

I hopefully will find a way to continue making video’s to this end .. and make an impact that will:

  1. Make Film makers think twice before releasing films with God’s name used as a swear word.. for fear of losing revenue
  2. by informing the public… especially Christians.. that a movie has abuse in it before watching it
  3. and thus prevent them from having to stop watching it halfway through… only to discover the abuse too most then continue watching the movie

Well… thats me and my mission in life.

Pray that God leads the way for me… even after I find a job… LoL ๐Ÿ˜‰


My question to fellow believers is… am I raving over something that cannot be changed?

Or is there support out there for something that should be on the top of Everyone’s list?

Please watch my 1st video on Youtube (there is a long & short version)

or on my site:

God Bless