Get Monthly Partnership Development Encouragement

The PowerofConnecting Community produces a monthly PowerofConnecting Partnership eNewsletter that you are invited to subscribe to at no cost. To subscribe, simply register your email at If you find you want to cancel, unsubscription instructions are included in eachRead more…

Theology of Partnership

I’d like to start a conversation around the theme of theology of partnership.  I will roughly define “theologizing” as the savoring recognition of the presence and intention of God at a given time/context.  I will define “partnership” here simply asRead more…

I love the “Beauty of Partnership” Study Guide

Last month, Werner Mischke passed to me a copy of his new yet-to-be-published book, “The Beauty of Partnership Study Guide: Standard Edition.” It’ll be published by MissionOne directly, and it’s a tribute to several innovative and relevant focal points. IRead more…

Biblical Giving, Holding Donors Accountable

  Biblical Injunction to Give, Holding Donors Accountable   Issues of finance tend to loom large on the mission-field, as elsewhere. Many today believe this to be appropriate, as they believe that the mission of the church in the WestRead more…

Getting to want

I had an idea for a book. It would describe the practical steps and stumbles of a church that developed partnerships with three churches from other cultures. They would be stories from my personal experience, so the churches would beRead more…

Nurturing a Culture of Exchange

Almost a year ago, a Dutch blogger (Joitske Hulsebosch) used a phrase in his blog that has stuck with me, and has proved to be quite useful. He wrote that the bigger challenge in a network or partnership is alwaysRead more…

Los principios del Reino

Apreciado Victor, muchas gracias por enfocarnos en la riqueza de la diversidad etnica y la interdependencia. Lamentablemente la falta de confianza hace que la auto-suficiencia de lugar a la independencia y menoscabe la profundidad de nuestra unidad en Cristo.  Nos necesitamos dando dignidadRead more…

Crossing the Will/Skill Divide

Doing mission in partnership is the faithful way to go, most people agree. It’s good witness for Christians to work together. We gain the benefits of greater numbers and resources in tackling the faith-sized mission and ministry we have onRead more…

Why Not Collaborate?

“I don’t know why they want to work together.”  This quote is from an interview with a godly, very proactive missionary in Asia who has served God for decades in hard circumstances.  Decades into ministry, this was his statement.  IRead more…

Good Conversation

A good cross-cultural partnership is like a good conversation.  The topic is less important than whether each person can play both roles well in the conversation. Each needs to be both a good listener and a good communicator. Good listenersRead more…