Teamwork: Body Building with Divine Purposes

Teamwork is more than reaching a goal. Biblical teamwork, like other facets of Body life, will bring glory to God, enhance Christ-like development in each team member, and exhibit loving interdependence between team members. These and many other characteristics setRead more…

The Four Key Questions of Collaboration

A culture of partnership is created and sustained by realizing that partnership – whether expressed in our neighborhood or in the wider world – can power our vision and scale up the objectives our ministry can accomplish. The goal isRead more…

Big K little k – A Look at Kingdom Partnerships

Big K little k what begins with k? How many of you remember that wonderful Dr. Seuss book about the alphabet? It walks through each letter and describes it with a charming mix of rhythm and humorous characters. The bookRead more…


It has come to a time all Churches in well evangelised nations should put one eye on their Church and one on world missions. All well evangelised nations should be told that they have entered the era of world missionsRead more…

Why Not Collabroate?

This article is intended to be a tool in the facilitator’s box—something to help fuel the conversation with a coworker who sincerely doubts the wisdom of partnership.  The basic idea of the article is that we will respond to theRead more…

Partners? Why Not Friends?

Partner and partnership are ‘buzz’ words in the mission community at the moment. I’ve lost count of how many seminars and workshops that I’ve attended (or even led) on partnership issues. Now, don’t get me wrong; I believe that partnershipRead more…

Is the Age of the Great Commission Over?

What’s my favourite Bible passage? Thirty years ago as a new Christian full of enthusiasm for what God had done in my life, it was Psalm 40. A few years later when, together with my wife and young children, IRead more…

Partnerships: Swarms and Non-Swarms

My main focus is on “swarms”: decentralized networks of all volunteers. This month, the Lausanne Global Conversation is writing about “partnerships.” You might think there would be a natural convergence between the two topics. After all, isn’t a “swarm” aRead more…

Full Online Copy of “Well Connected” Available

The full text of Phill Butler’s comprehensive Partnership “How-To” book, Well Connected, is now available online courtesy of Google Books.  One Amazon reviewer writes, “A vital book on a vital subject – how to actually co-operate across organizational or denominationalRead more…