I have stolen the title of this entry from the article which is attached so I must give credit where it is due and say that it is one of the tag lines used by Ambassadors in Sport, and internationalRead more…
A cup of cold water…Is it enough? Good, better, best!
“…A cup of cold water,” is it enough? Good, better, best!! Help feed the hungry children; clothe the naked; heal the sick; do good and more good. Dig wells for people to drink clean water; give medicines andRead more…
La contribución de los misioneros latinos
¿Por qué misioneros latinos? Los latinoamericanos finalmente han despertado a la misión global y su presencia se hace ver en una gran variedad de países, grupos étnicos, lenguas y contextos de servicio. El movimiento misionero tuvo su inició a finesRead more…
Kingdom opportunities in the technology industry.
Much has been written about the impact of media and technology in current mission strategies. There is an exciting future in the application of these changes to our global kingdom strategies. I believe that with the development of technology thereRead more…
Globalisation, Secularity, Hyper-individuality and the Mission of God
Charles Taylor is well known for the use of the term the autonomous self. At times, Taylor refers to this as expressive individualism, self-sufficing individualism or in terms of exclusive humanism and the buffered-self.[1] Today, there is a near categoricalRead more…
Praise the lord
Insights and questions from three episodes of SouthPark
I just watched 3 episodes of SouthPark on my computer with a related theme of the impact of the Internet on society. Collectively, the video clips provide uniques insights on where we or our children are on digital spaces andRead more…
Social Media: Connection or Information?
Do you always use your name as your username (handle) on a social media site? Or do you more often use your business’ name or group? I recently joined the Lausanne Movement Global Conversation network and opened my account asRead more…
Contending the new atheism
In Western countries at least, scientific atheism is a little-recognised threat to the biblical worldview that lies at the foundation of the Christian faith. Because atheists are a minority and science is a closed book to so many ordinary people,Read more…
Canada Day: A Glimpse at Urban Canada and Evangel.
Today is July 1, Canada Day! So, Happy Canada Day to all of my Canadian brothers and sisters. Over the past several years, I have found myself traveling everywhere from Newfoundland to Vancouver–and nearly ended up in Nunavut…. Needless, to say,Read more…