Insights and questions from three episodes of SouthPark

I just watched 3 episodes of SouthPark on my computer with a related theme of the impact of the Internet on society.

Collectively, the video clips provide uniques insights on where we or our children are on digital spaces and raise interesting questions about the use of technology and tech dependence, what MMORPGs are like, online porn, the digital divide, friendship on FaceBook, parenting the Net Gen, etc.  I am planning to use this in a class for discussion with my students at the Singapore Bible College. Consider the fact that I watched it on my laptop, not on TV.  What does it say about new media?

SouthPark Episode 10 “Make Love Not Warcraft”…
There’s trouble in the online gaming world when a mad gamer won’t play by the rules. The boys dedicate their lives to defeating the renegade and …saving the World of Warcraft.

SouthPark Episode 12 “Overlogging”
No one in South Park has internet and there’s no telling when, or even if, it will come back. Desperation sets in as the fear of the unknown spreads rapidly across the country. When Randy hears there still may be some internet out in California, he packs up his family and heads west in search of a signal.

SouthPark Episode 14 “You have no friends”
Kyle “friended” the wrong person and now all of his friends are deserting him. His situationK is desperate. Kyle looks for help from the one person who has always been there for him.

The language in SouthPark is coarse, so be warned!