Kingdom opportunities in the technology industry.

Much has been written about the impact of media and technology in current mission strategies.  There is an exciting future in the application of these changes to our global kingdom strategies.  I believe that with the development of technology there is a very important avenue of ministry that needs to be recognized and addressed.

With the advances in hardware, software and media that is a part of this revolution, there is a significant international movement of people involved in the technology industry.  Education, research, manufacturing, production and other important aspects of the industry are crossing international boundaries at an increasing rate.  This offers unique opportunities for Kingdom work if we can recognize and respond to the challenges that come with movement of people across national and cultural boundaries.

Living in an area where the technology industry plays an important role has revealed some of these opportunities.  Allow me to share with you two of these.

1.  An international student came to our university to study computer science.  Before coming to California his parents told him “if you ever find yourself in need of any help, go and find a church.  We understand that they can be helpful”  He needed help, asked about a church and was directed to us as we have a congregation from his homeland.  He found a church, found Jesus, shared with his parents back home who through him also found Jesus.

2.  A local telecomm company with a partner in another country began bringing young IT engineers to our town for training.  They stay here for a period of 3 to 6 months, often returning later for further training.  One day one of the young men was wandering through a local grocery store looking bewildered.  He was noticed by a church member who befriended him and began helping him with adjusting to life in our community.  We have a congregation from his homeland as part of our church and they began caring for this group of visiting engineers.  There is a great interest in learning our language and culture so we began weekly get-togethers that address these interests.  Over the past 2 years there has been a “revolving doorway” between our 2 cities and many have found Jesus and have been baptised and discipled.  There is currently a regular fellowship of believers and non-believers meeting weekly back in their hometown.

As we explore the use of new media and technology in our ministries, we need to be aware of new and unique open doors to reaching an international community of technology workers.