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Twittering towards (im)mediacy : the prophetic witness of Marshall McLuhan
For the vast majority of years since Gutenberg enabled mass produced written communication, those thoughts which become “published” existed in the mind of an author, being the fruits of that author’s imagination and experience, and generally speaking, good quality writingRead more…
Karen Covell, founder of “Hollywood Prayer Network” discusses the issue of Christian Filmmaking
In your opinion, do Christians have lower expectations for “Christian Films” than other films released into the market? Karen Covell, a TV producer in Hollywood and the founder of the “Hollywood Prayer Network” gives her advice on this topic.
How do we display Christ in secular media?
In this interview the director of Media Missionary School, Harold Hay asked me the question: “What 3 things do you wish you would have known ahead of time before pursuing a career as a filmmaker in Hollywood as a Christian?”Read more…
Dr. Larry Poland calls the Church to support filmmakers and media professionals to see the Great Commission fulfilled in our day
If the majority of Christians agree; films, TV, internet, and other forms of media and entertainment have become globally one of the largest spheres of influence in the past 50 years, what are we as Global Church leaders and missionariesRead more…
Save Willy *****
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My dad happens to be a great farmer in the little village we stay. Every morning and evening I see people rushing to our small cattle shade to get milk. Within thirty minutes, the seventy liters produce have disappeared inRead more…
En el plano artístico y profesional es frecuente hallar imitadores de gente famosa. Hay la imitación humorística, que usualmente caricaturiza al imitado, emula su voz, gestos y atuendo. Pero hay la imitación, si se quiere inconsciente, matizada por la admiraciónRead more…
Cast your nets !
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La radio es el medio de comunicación de masas de mayor alcance que tenemos en la actualidad. Aun con el auge del Internet y otros recursos, la tecnología de punta sigue estando disponible para una minoría y para laRead more…