Words – The Thermometer of Your Heart

The REAL YOU is revealed by your words. The “mirror image” of speech and heart has great value in evaluating your own walk with Christ. A believer who fails to listen to personal “words” (which are heard) and “thoughts” (whichRead more…

Experience a Conversation…

While enjoyingl the personal study for preparation of the upcoming congress, I continually enjoy participating in the myriad conversations and the broad spectrum of presentatons. Among those I have enjoyed thoroughly is the vid of Pastor Carlos Madrigal of TurkeyRead more…

God is Faithful …. How could we forget that?

God’s faithfulness is the strong foundation ungirding our lives and endeavors that bring glory to Him. His faithfulness is the anchor that has held believers steady throughout history. Click on the URL below for a refreshing reminder of our faithfulRead more…

God’s Love is Personal

God is Love – the basis for life and witness. Every expression of Christianity is rooted in the personal application and appreciation of God’s love to us. For a quick read, click on the URL for a one-page reminder ofRead more…

A Fresh Approach to Witness For The 21st Century: A Global Perspective

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Rebecca Manley Pippert and Bishop Benjamin A. Kwashi as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “A Fresh Approach to Witness forRead more…

Witnessing: Part 2

Do we have a universal model for how to obey Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all the nations”? Do we have a universal model for obeying Christ’s command to “Go, and make disciples?” We do! Christ gaveRead more…

What do you believe? … No, Really

Theoretical beliefs are listed; true beliefs are lived. One’s beliefs are rather easy to state, but authentic beliefs are tested in the crucible of life. With regard to true beliefs, the “saying” and the “doing” will be mirror images ofRead more…