Full Session: World Faiths – Plenary 2

Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order.  Alternatively, you may advance to a specific part of the session by using the next arrow or by clicking the playlistRead more…

Market place Ministry

Willy, your article on market place ministry is inspiring to me personally. This is my vision to train and equip the people those who are involved in market place. I believe that if we train them they will be aRead more…

Your Way or God’s Way . . . Your Choice

Only 2 reasons for a believer’s sinning . . . and those two reasons are spiritual ignorance or willful disobedience. Simplistic? The accompanying article is a 1-page “quick read” that may surprise you about the basic “reasons” for sin inRead more…

Jewish Living Memory and Credible Christian Witness

Men in a male dominated society tend to overlook that which is offensive to women.  So you will find men telling sexist jokes with the proviso, “I was only joking” when the realization dawns that hurt may have been causedRead more…

The dilemma of post-Communist nations and religious freedom

After two wonderful, yet puzzling, weeks in Romania (my 44th trip since 1990, I’ve been confronted with the paradox of change that is really not change.  The power of the Eastern Orthodox church remains in a “semi-official” context.  Yet, theRead more…

Sharing the Good News

NOTE: This was an article written for AIM, a monthly magazine of the Evangelical Fellowship of India.   Rajesh was cornered by the policeman finally. He had been looking for Rajesh for many days. The policeman was angry because RajeshRead more…

Illuminating the Gray Areas of Life

Gray areas of life and ministry can move to crystal clear clarity when three questions are answered.

Trials…God’s Pathway for Growth and Grace

Growth and grace are realized through trials. When these benefits of trials are experienced (and not forgotten), then the unavoidable difficulties of life and faith will be embraced by ardent followers of Christ.