The Age of Global Giving

A guide to building effective partnerships between donors and funding recipients in the 21st Century.

Kingdom Stewardship

Occasional papers by theLausanne Resource Mobilization Working Group prepared for Cape Town 2010


A Tearfund publication to help organisations and ministries to raise financial support

Salt and Light: Christians’ Role in Combating Corruption

 What part does corruption play in your life? That may seem a strange question to ask an audience such as this. Many may answer that, of course, as Christians, we would have nothing whatsoever to do with it. But othersRead more…

Wealth, Poverty and Power – The Hole in our Gospel

The churches in the more prosperous northern hemisphere, in particular, need to return to the gospel of Christ. That gospel is not just about individual salvation, but a life transformation that results in compassion, service and a striving for justice.Read more…

Wealth, Poverty and Power – Empowerment

Dr Ravi Jayakaran suggests participatory learning is an effective way to support and empower poor communities to define and work on their own solutions to problems. Download Options PC users: Right click a link and choose “Save as” to downloadRead more…