Provision & Wealth Overview

In this overview article of the Theology of Work Project (WWW.THEOLOGYOFWORK.ORG), the emphasis is on God’s intent for how we handle wealth. The article explores: God’s original intentions regarding provision and wealth The impact living in a fallen world hasRead more…

How America Gives

The data in this special report, come from a comprehensive study The Chronicle conducted to examine giving data by ZIP code and by income level in every city and town in the United States. It looks at total contributions, contributions by households, discretionaryRead more…

Who’s In Charge Here? Beginning Your Life Stewardship Journey

E.G. “Jay” Link’s latest book ‘Who’s In Charge Here? Beginning Your Life Stewardship Journey’ is now available. The pdf and Kindle versions of the book are posted on the Stewardship Ministries website The pdf and Kindle versions are freeRead more…

The Money Revolution

The Money Revolution helps Christians apply Christian principles to handling their money. Whether we are comfortable, broke, or somewhere in between, we all have questions about money.  The Money Revolution offers a distinctively Christian slant on issues such as:   EthicalRead more…

Biblical Principles of Financial Giving

This Bible study outline from Xenos Christian Fellowship in the US explores how to cultivate a godly manner of dealing with our money and material possessions. The Bible describes this as a habit of consistent, sacrificial financial giving to God’sRead more…