My main point was and is why church is so weak in third world countries? And now I can add are these 3rd world so poor and undeveloped because church is weak here? When I was working with a ChristianRead more…
“Pithy Spiritual References?
In a recent response to a conversation, one of the commentors made the above statement when someone questioned the lack of Biblical references in one’s writings. As in: why make pithy Biblical references. The responder then said he/she did notRead more…
Three Prayer Mistakes of Well-Meaning Believers
Believers may pray amiss “by habit” and 3 prayer requests, while sincere and well known, run counter to scriptural truth. These requests do not necessarily indicate spiritual immaturity and one such request (“Lord, be with us”) is typically heard inRead more…
Making the Case for the Truth of Christ: Exploring a Biblical Model
The major theme for the opening day of the Cape Town Congress 2010 is “making the case for the truth of Christ in a pluralistic, globalized world”. In order to encourage and equip each other for that key task, weRead more…
Full Session: A Fresh Approach To Witness Multiplex
Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order. Alternatively, you may advance to a specific part of the session by using the next arrow or by clicking the playlistRead more…
Full Session: Dogma and Diversity Multiplex
Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order. Alternatively, you may advance to a specific part of the session by using the next arrow or by clicking the playlistRead more…
Full Session: Media Messages Matter Mulitplex
Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order. Alternatively, you may advance to a specific part of the session by using the next arrow or by clicking the playlistRead more…
Full Session: People at Work Multiplex
Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order. Alternatively, you may advance to a specific part of the session by using the next arrow or by clicking the playlistRead more…
Full Session: Asia, the Suffering Church and Religious Freedom – Plenary 3
Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order. Alternatively, you may advance to a specific part of the session by using the next arrow or by clicking the playlistRead more…
Full Session: Truth & Pluralism – Plenary 2
Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order. Alternatively, you may advance to a specific part of the session by using the next arrow or by clicking the playlistRead more…