[This post can be viewed in original context here] The idea that mission should not just be a ministry of the church, one of its offered services, but actually a fundamental and foundational aspect of its whole life is atRead more…
Are we all victims of our worldview?
A friend and I were talking about the story of David and Goliath. (Yes, I know it’s weird, but we really were talking about David and Goliath). I was complaining that people almost always mistake the story’s lesser point forRead more…
Experience a Conversation…
While enjoyingl the personal study for preparation of the upcoming congress, I continually enjoy participating in the myriad conversations and the broad spectrum of presentatons. Among those I have enjoyed thoroughly is the vid of Pastor Carlos Madrigal of TurkeyRead more…
A Fresh Approach to Witness For The 21st Century: A Global Perspective
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Rebecca Manley Pippert and Bishop Benjamin A. Kwashi as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “A Fresh Approach to Witness forRead more…
Truth matters, Stand Up for Truth
This paper should be simplified for the lay people to understand easily. I agree with the notion that truth matters and it is important to stand up for the truth e.g. when faced with difficult situation, like in the caseRead more…
Sacred But Silent: Reflections on Women in Church History
Paradise Road How silent is this place! The brilliant sunshine filters through the trees The leaves are rustled by a gentle breeze A wide and open space By shrubs, pink-tipped, mauve-blossomed is o’ergrown A hush enfolds me, deepRead more…
What do you believe? … No, Really
Theoretical beliefs are listed; true beliefs are lived. One’s beliefs are rather easy to state, but authentic beliefs are tested in the crucible of life. With regard to true beliefs, the “saying” and the “doing” will be mirror images ofRead more…
Truth is Uncomfortable
In this world of relativism, many people hate truth because it is threatening. Just us written by Carver Yu, as in Asia, so it is with Nigeria, being a culturally plurastic state and for long unaffected by pluralism. However, thisRead more…
You Can Change . . . One Step at a Time
Belief is authenticated by a changed life. Thankfully, evangelicals are noted for verbalizing the Good News of the Gospel with great clarity. On the other hand, there is sometimes a lack of clarity in describing subsequent growth in Christ. ThisRead more…
Witnessing to Christ in a Secular Culture
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Michael Herbst as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Morning Plenary session on “Making the Case for the Truth of Christ in a Pluralistic,Read more…