Trusting God in Trials Out of Our Control

Challenges are notorious for not being under our control. With this in mind, we should remember that all aspects of life, including our trials, are under God’s control. Lamentations 3:37-38, Who has spoken and it came to pass, unless theRead more…

Testimony – My Trials Can Help Others

Trials are a part of life and, often, these difficulties are approached solely from a personal perspective. For a believer in Christ, however, personal trials have the potential to benefit others in very specific ways.

Health and Wealth Gospel … Is it Biblical?

When it comes to healing or anything else, “What does God’s Word tell us?” Instead of assuming God wants us healthy or wealthy, we need to realize that He may accomplish higher purposes through our sickness and poverty rather thanRead more…

Forgiveness – God’s Pattern for Your Practice

Forgiveness is at the heart of Christianity and means “to cancel a debt” or “to set aside.” The awesome demonstration of God’s love—the sacrifice of Jesus—is the perfect example of forgiveness that sets the standard by which God’s children areRead more…

Divine Sufficiency or Divine Deficiency

Do you trust the Bible as the authority for all spiritual matters and also believe that the Bible is more than sufficient to deal with all aspects of life and relationships? If you answer “yes,” then you are on solidRead more…

Jesus IS Lord

This article focuses on a three-word phrase that is central to the Christian faith. The phrase, JESUS IS LORD, has only one meaning but has innumerable applications. This phrase encompasses all of human history—past, present, and future—and reveals the infiniteRead more…

Biblical Basics of Dealing with Problems

Whether one is a believer in Christ or not, there is no way to avoid problems (challenges) of life. God’s Word, however, provides ample guidance for followers of Christ to be overwhelming conquerors whenever they face and deal with problems,Read more…

God’s Peace can be Yours

Divine peace comes from God and His Son, Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:3). This peace is a tranquil harmony of heart and mind that maintains Christ-centered wellbeing regardless of circumstances or people. From a measurable perspective, the peace of ChristRead more…

Adulterous Church Members: Should They Stay or Leave?

The title to this article may seem strange, since a basic characteristic of any Christ-honoring, Bible believing church is to bring people into the church. On the other hand, a situation could occur in a church in which a personRead more…

Victims in Paradise

Christians all over the world can have a problem with ingratitude. We can lose perspective. We can forget where we have come from as well as what we have received by grace. We might look at something that seems toRead more…