Adolescent Inferiority

Teens suffer from dissatisfaction during their growing years.  Learn how to prepare them for this adventure!

Life Stewardship Curriculum for High School and Junior High

Stewardship Ministries have developed an age appropriate, six-lesson life stewardship module for both High School students and a six-lesson module for Junior High students. Each module is video based with its own downloadable participant discussion guide. Group discussion follows eachRead more…

Hallway of Doors

Let’s talk today about lifelong addictions which often begin during the adolescence years. Imagine, if you will, a long dark hallway with a series of doors on either side. Written on each door is the name of an addiction, suchRead more…


EVANGELISMO Y SUBCULTURAS JUVENILES Comprensiones y estrategias para el evangelismo de ciudades multiculturales. Lianggi Espinoza Ramírez; Timothy Ost Villarreal [email protected]; [email protected] Chile – México.   Resumen: Considerando los puntos del Tratado de Lausana que se refieren a la naturaleza, laRead more…


Responsabilidades de los Líderes Muchas gracias por ser un Líder Joven dispuesto a dar tu energía, esfuerzo y tiempo para que Dios cambie el rumbo de esta generación. No olvides que una de tus responsabilidades primordiales es dar; pero noRead more…

the NOW generation

  Esta es la GENERACION NOW_ tode es en este INSTANTE Todas las Generaciones viven algún tipo de Revolución! En la Antigua Grecia vivieron la revolución Filosófica, a principios del siglo XIX la revolución Industrial, mas recientemente en las ultimas décadas seRead more…


I want you InPUT…   I am a youth leader; and we all know that youth are Globolized now day; so from your world View… What will it take for us to take the love of JESUS to then inRead more…

Jericho Cultural Learning Center

The population of Jericho, the West Bank, and Gaza isestimated at 4 million, of which 65% are under the ageof 24 and 43% are under the age of 15. These youngpeople grow up without much hope for their future.They areRead more…