Who Do They Say That I Am? The Identity of Muslim Women and the Hope of the Gospel

You mustn’t give up hope. If walls are high, the sky is higher still.                                                                                                                                                                                         A U. N worker in Iran to female refugees preparing to go back to Afghanistan under Taliban rule.  From the motion picture Kandhahar    Read more…

Why is it so important to eradicate Bible Poverty? Part 2

Why is it so important to eliminate Bible poverty? A second reason is that God’s Word in the heart language penetrates deeply George Whitefield, the great 18th-century evangelist, was hounded by a group of detractors who called themselves the “Hell-fireRead more…

Bible Engagement: a process

How can we eradicate Bible poverty? Bible engagement is a process that can be arrested at any step along the way. What do you think about the process outlined below? Do you have any feedback to these questions?  Are youRead more…