Why is it so important to eradicate Bible Poverty? Part 1

For a number of weeks, I’ll focus on different answers to the question,

Why is it so important to eradicate Bible poverty?

God is a communicator. He longs to make Himself known to us through His Word so that we can know Him and give Him glory.

So one of the first reasons to eliminate Bible poverty is that…

God’s Word in our heart language speaks clearly and powerfully.

In Ps 119.18, the psalmist asks God: Open my eyes, that I may see wonderful things from Your law (talking about God’s Word)

In one Latin American country, church services were conducted in Spanish for a congregation whose mother tongue was not Spanish. Men sat on one side of the room, and women on the other. The men all wore traditional white sombreros. They never took these white hats off, even during the church service, except when the pastor said, “Let us pray.”

    One Sunday, however, the local pastor received a copy of the first Bible passage ever translated into their language. The congregation stood as usual for the reading of the Bible. But this time the pastor began to read, not in Spanish, but in their mother tongue. He had read only a few verses when, suddenly, like a great white wave, every man took off his sombrero. For the first time in their life, after years of listening to the Word in Spanish, they heard God speaking to them directly – in their own language. [Jack Popjes]