As we head towards the global consultation in SA, we are being invited to reflect on issues affecting the church, the gospel and truth, particularly as we face a growing secularity in many quarters. Paul Johnson wrote of “the birthRead more…
Truth and Secularity
Just a brief response to Stuart’s article on truth and secularity. You suggest that the movement toward secularization that has been underway for about 150 years continues unabated and is taken up by postmodern descendants. I am not sure thatRead more…
Dramatic religious and economic shifts to impact planet, new study
Religious populations are projected to outgrow religiously unaffiliated populations worldwide by a factor of 23 between 2010 and 2050. This will increase religious diversity and alter the distribution of wealth, according to new study by the Religious Freedom & BusinessRead more…
Cities AC Recommended Reading: Coming to America
Another recommended reading for the Cities AG, Stephen Warner’s article Coming To America helps us understand the faith that more recent immigrant communities are bringing to the United States.
Diaspora Missiology: The Bottom Line
Diaspora – the word once strictly referred to the Jewish people dispersed throughout the globe and to the Jewish community residing outside Palestine/ Israel. Today, we hear and read about the African Diaspora, Armenian Diaspora, Chinese Diaspora, South Asian Diaspora,Read more…
Have we lost our savor? Are we known as just another religion and one of with people who’s lives overall lack the testimony of the dedication, beauty, grace, compassion, joy, and understanding of our Lord Jesus… who’s fruit is notRead more…
Diaspora Factor in Christian Expansion: Progressive, Serial or Parallel
With the exception of the first century, the twentieth century may be the most extraordinary century in the history of Christianity. At the beginning of the twentieth century more than four-fifth of the professing Christians lived in Europe and NorthRead more…
Burning Qurans *****
What is the impact of burning Qurans on Christianity and on global evangelism? What do you think about it?
“Love your [ethnic] neighbor as yourself”
If we seek to apply the biblical axiom ’love your neighbor as yourself’ to ethnic communities, then we can phrase it ’love your ethnic neighbor as yourself’. This fundamental idea of scripture, indeed the second command next only to lovingRead more…
Hitchens and The Rage Against God
In the ongoing discussions of secularization and its merits, value, threats, or significance, a recent book is contributing to the discussion, in particular, the aggressive vision of the New Atheists and some of their strident claims. The authorRead more…