Prosperity Gospel through Adopted African Eyes

This morning I received an email from a good friend in the US who asked me two or three questions about the way the prosperity gospel is presented and perceived here in Africa. I am American who has lived andRead more…

The Effectiveness of Short-term Mission to Africa

Here is another piece on short-term mission. The problem, it suggests, in short-term mission from the ’West’, is not what they see or feel (we were humble and felt that we helped them …) but what but what those onRead more…

Neopentecostalism and witchhunts

Some of the discussions about the Prosperity Gospel have touched on the connection of this to witchhunts, but this is an issue that needs to be taken a lot more seriously by Christians generally. I recommend that anyone concerned withRead more…

A Proposed Foundation for Partnership

Cody is right ( to advocate ‘global partnerships’, when partnerships can be truly partnerships. That I understand, from the basis of the word, where two (or more) people or groups agree to cooperate in some venture in which both contributeRead more…

Holistic Gospel Impact on Prosperity Gospel

One characteristic of different cultures is that they can understand terms differently. I certainly consider the above terms (prosperity and holistic gospel) as a case in point. In my limited time in sub-Saharan Africa, I have found that to talkRead more…

Prosperity Gospel denies trials’ necessity

Prosperity Gospel, by definition, denies the reality of God-ordained trials. Yet, God’s Word presents divinely ordained purposes for His children’s trials. Material prosperity may or may not come, but trials are basic to growth in Christ.

Being Rich Toward God: Biblical Overview of Giving

The impetus for giving is Christ’s love to us. With God’s glory in mind, there is no room for the “prosperity gospel” that focuses on “giving to get” for ourselves instead of giving to glorify God in order to advanceRead more…

Being Rich Toward God: Biblical Overview of Giving

Giving with God in mind instead of ourselves is a work of grace. The linked article refutes “giving to get” and illumines the truth of giving to specific recipients and needs that are emphasized in Scripture.