Loving the Poor without Hating the Wealthy

The title to this blog purposes to grab one’s attention. However, it will likely have another effect, that of subtly communicating something that I don’t want to intimate. Perhaps some might read this and think, “Oh, this guy just wantsRead more…

Powers of Evil

In his excellent commentary on Ephesians, John Stott defined the “rulers and authorities in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 1:21, 3:10, 6:12) as angels and demons.  I respectfully disagree. Paul heaps up nouns to identify God’s enemies: rule and authority…power andRead more…

Representing the Poor

One aspect of globalisation is what some scholars call cosmopolitanism. This refers to the supposed creation of a highly integrated, mobile, and transnational culture where people around the world interact with diverse peoples on common grounds, under the supposition thatRead more…

Shaping the ‘Hidden’ Curriculum for Engaging Power, Poverty and Wealth in Africa: A Case Study from Scott Theological College, Kenya

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Jacob Kibor, Gregg A. Okesson and Kimberly Okesson as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Wealth, Poverty and Power: Effectively RespondingRead more…

Whoops! I think my ego is showing.

Graham was a local pastor from a free church somewhere in the depths of Europe. His call to leadership was clear to him; he had felt that God had put his ‘mighty hand’ on him and had gifted him toRead more…

Truth Matters, Stand Up for Truth

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Carver T.Yu as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Morning Plenary session on “Making the Case for the Truth of Christ in a Pluralistic,Read more…

Technologies Are Not Just Tools

A Response to Al Erisman’s ‘The Face-to-Face Gospel and the Death of Distance’ Technology is a label for all kinds of things humans create. Some are material, such as machines of various sorts. Others are procedural, such as organizational approaches.Read more…