Whoops! I think my ego is showing.

Graham was a local pastor from a free church somewhere in the depths of Europe. His call to leadership was clear to him; he had felt that God had put his ‘mighty hand’ on him and had gifted him to preach, teach and lead. Following his seminary training his first church posting went quite well but he had received quite a lot of criticism about his ability to listen to his congregation. In his second church, which was larger and for Graham and more in keeping with his giftedness, the problem got worse and within a short time many people were complaining that Graham was dominant and brash. Graham felt that good leadership was sure to upset people; after all, they crucified Jesus and so he pressed on without change. It ended badly and the church required Graham to leave. A very confused man was left to reflect on what went wrong and he did….the church just didn’t appreciate good leadership…….

It is really quite easy to get into a spirit of criticism and take ‘pot shots’ at different people types around the world but….in the quest for healthy leadership the aim must be high and the discussion must be honest.

When I was training for the ministry I was told this story as an attempt to prevent my ego from causing me to bathe in pride – ‘Charles Spurgeon stepped down from his pulpit and was greeted at the church doors by a well-wisher who said “that was a wonderful sermon pastor” and Spurgeon replied “yes, I know, Satan told me before I left the pulpit”…….

Ouch! I have found that leaders around the world often starve for the want and need of encouragement. However, an ever present ‘elephant in the room’, is the driving force of the need for recognition. ‘Power-distance’ is one of the most prominent dynamics at work among leaders around the world. Equating calling with position, notoriety and prominence has drug-like qualities that attract and indeed ruin many a potentially excellent leader and when it is attached to wealth or some other worth-gain source related to the differing cultures then look out!  It takes a good deal of honesty to recognise for you self that your ego is showing and that you crave power, influence and authority. …..

When Sonship and Daughterhood is not enough we must ask ourselves what is wrong?