The Coming $8 Trillion-Plus Retiree Giving Boom

Aging guru Ken Dychtwald says expected charitable giving by U.S. retirees over the next two decades could reach $8 trillion. That’s $6.6 trillion in financial giving and $1.4 trillion in volunteer services (calculated at $23.63/hour). And if he can helpRead more…

Raising the Next Generation of Givers

This is the second post in a three-part series. Click here for part one, “Going Long: Building a Legacy of Family Philanthropy.” In my experience, accumulated over the course of a professional career working with and observing philanthropy and philanthropists, IRead more…

Going Long: Building a Legacy of Family Philanthropy

For a substantial number of wealthy Americans, establishing charitable foundations and family funds has become an attractive and tax-effective way of channeling their philanthropy, and as a result the proliferation of such vehicles has reached unprecedented levels. In the UnitedRead more…

More to give: London millennials working towards a better world

This report reveals that there is a strong motivation amongst younger city employees to support the work of charities and community groups through giving and volunteering. It presents the findings of the first London-wide research on employee involvement and attitudesRead more…

London gives £5.6 billion a year in cash to charities

How much is London’s giving worth to charities? £5.6 billion a year is the first attempt to measure this, published in a report today by City Philanthropy. The report, More to Give: London Millennials Networking for a Better World, has found that London’sRead more…

Toward a new gospel of wealth

As I begin my third year at the Ford Foundation’s helm, I am reminded of how privileged I am—and we all are—to serve this institution. For my colleagues and me, these past 15 months have entailed both deep introspection aboutRead more…