Lapham’s Quarterly intends to show that that history is the root of all education, scientific and literary as well as political and economic. The Summer 2015 edition of the publication is devoted to philanthropy. Some of the materials are alsoRead more…

More To Give: London Millennials working towards a better world

This report reveals that there is a strong motivation amongst younger city employees to support the work of charities and community groups through giving and volunteering. It presents the findings of the first London-wide research on employee involvement and attitudesRead more…

The plan for Africa is now being chosen by Africans

‘Kupanga ni Kuchagua’ – to plan is to choose. These are the words of the late Julius Nyerere, considered father of Tanzania. The plan for Africa is now being chosen by Africans. As a Tanzanian, and I feel encouraged by theRead more…

African Giving Knowledge Base

While philanthropy is an integral part of African society, the study of philanthropy in Africa is only recently gaining traction. To help us understand the field better and generate new knowledge that allows us to strengthen its role and impact,Read more…

Wealthy donors differ by generation

Talk about being in the money. Wealth experts estimate that from 2007 to 2061, $59 trillion will be transferred from family estates in the greatest wealth transfer in U.S. history. That amount will be divided among heirs, charities, estate taxesRead more…

Generosity growing around the globe

The value of large charitable donations around the world increased significantly in 2013 compared to 2012, demonstrating that major philanthropy is thriving and growing. So finds the 2014 Coutts International Million Dollar Donors Report, for which the Indiana University LillyRead more…