Live Discussions

The Chronicle of Philanthropy has transcripts of live discussions around different fundraising topics. They include for example how to talk to donors about expenses and how to raise money from companies. These discussions could be of value to Christian organisations.

9 MORE Ways Board Members Can Raise Money Without Fundraising

There are endless ways board members can contribute to the financial sustainability of the organisation they serve. The trick is helping them realize that. Nell Edgington suggests examples of what can help boards think in this direction. With Christian ministriesRead more…

How to Overcome Board Fundraising Excuses

Boards of Christian organisations can play a major role in mobilising financial resources for the organisation. In my experience there is confusion in the Christian ministry community about the involvement of boards in ministry fundraising. This blog from Nell EdgingtonRead more…

How to Raise Money From Companies – A Chronicle live discussion

Raising funds from companies can be very rewarding financially but it remains a challenge to especially Christian organisations. The Chronicle of Philanthropy posted the transcript of a live online discussion with executives from Microsoft which has promised to invest $500Read more…

mGive Text Donation Study 2013

Donors in the US who give via text message would like to make larger gifts using their mobile phones, according to a survey by the mGive Foundation. 85% of the donors said they would be willing to give $25 toRead more…

Captação de recursos

Este manual mostra como desenvolver uma estratégia de captação de recursos e contém idéias para ajudar as organizações a diversificarem as suas fontes de financiamento.

Фандрайзинг (Привлечение финансирования)

Данная книга содержит информацию о том, как разработать стратегию по привлечению финансирования, и идеи как помочь организациям разнообразить их финансовую основу.

Recaudación de fondos

Muestra cómo desarrollar una estrategia de recaudación de fondos y contiene ideas para ayudar a que las organizaciones diversifiquen su apoyo financiero.

Les collectes de fonds

Ce guide explique comment mettre au point une stratégie pour collecter des fonds. Il contient des idées pour aider les organisations à diversifier leur base de financement.