12 Steps to Raise Ministry or Missionary Support

Using the image of a tree, Brian Kluth describes 12 very practical steps to raise ministry and missionary support. Step one starts with daily time with God, step 2 emphasises Godly teaching, step 3 is about service, step 4 dealsRead more…

Call for Papers – vulnerable mission

Conference, Vulnerable Mission, Norwich Central Baptist Church, Norwich, UK, 14th to 16th November 2013 www.vulnerablemission.org [email protected].             +254721804282      11/01/2013   The AVM (Alliance for Vulnerable Mission) was founded in 2007. It has close informal links with organisations such as WEA (World Evangelical Alliance),Read more…

Diluted Honey

Sweeter Than Honey? Children’s Missions Education – A Proposal by Nancy Tichy First published in Mission Frontiers – Mar/Ap 2009 issue                   Checking out a “99 Cent Store”- this was one of my husband’s favorite pastimes.  Almost a hobby. Read more…

Ministry Around the World

See what a 24 year old missionary can do in trips around the world. 

Nations for Jesus: 2012 Mission Trips

A Short-Term Mission Trip (usually 2-3 weeks) will provide: A cross-cultural ministry experience A broader perspective of the world An opportunity to share your faith An opportunity for spiritual growth A deeper love for the Lord and others A maturingRead more…


A CALL TO ALL CHRISTIAN – PLEASE JOIN HANDS AND LET US FINISH THE WORK It is time to finish the work the Lord commanded us to do. Only if the Gospel is preached to all nations the Lord willRead more…

A Missionary Call

A very challenging, thought provoking and, in my opinion, brilliant piece of writing dealing with the matter of calling in missions. An Extract: “How can he say that, unless he gets some specific call of God to preach the GospelRead more…

Revolution in World Missions

Dr. K.P. Yohannan writes on a profound way for the church of the west to maximize it’s impact in world missions…by supporting native missionaries.  it’s a free book from www.gfa.org.  I encourage everyone get it from their website…transformed some ofRead more…