Directions: Click the play button in the video window above to watch all videos from the session in order. Alternatively, you may advance to a specific part of the session by using the next arrow or by clicking the playlistRead more…
Insights and questions from three episodes of SouthPark
I just watched 3 episodes of SouthPark on my computer with a related theme of the impact of the Internet on society. Collectively, the video clips provide uniques insights on where we or our children are on digital spaces andRead more…
Media Messages Matter: Christ, Truth and the Media
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Lars Dahle as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Media Messages Matter: On Global Technologies, Glocal* Trends and Gospel Truth”. Responses toRead more…
Hitchens and The Rage Against God
In the ongoing discussions of secularization and its merits, value, threats, or significance, a recent book is contributing to the discussion, in particular, the aggressive vision of the New Atheists and some of their strident claims. The authorRead more…
Media and Technology: Resources For Reflections
“Can we regain the full integrity of faith in Christ while fully and properly engaged in the advanced modern world?” This essential question is raised by Os Guinness in the new edition of his classic treatment Gravedigger File (now retitledRead more…
Churches making their message app-licable
For tech-savvy Christians or for just about any of the faithful under 35 years old, it’s a no-brainer: Spreading the Gospel means using the tools available now … and for a growing number of churches, that means having their ownRead more…
1 piece of the puzzle: mobile phones on a g-string
With the growing popularity of social networks like twitter, facebook, and others, the internet has become a key part in developing community. These venues also become opportunities to connect people with God’s word. Of course it first must be availableRead more…
On-the-Grounders Missing Media-Generated Inquirers
The number of people online and exploring faith issues is staggering. So also those responding to broadcast/radio/satellite and replying via mobile phone! I won’t attempt to cite statistics here, but what a friend of mine said is most assuredly true:Read more…
Calling Gargoyles to Life
What would you do if your church mounted a large, ugly face of a horrific animal or human outside of the sanctuary? Run? Hide? That is precisely what people used to do in medieval Europe. These distorted and grotesque statuesRead more…
Amid economic downturn, an increase in service.
Jonathan Olinger, founder of Discover the Journey, a nonprofit that uses film to draw awareness to children living in crisis, said the economic downturn has proved to be an “odd but effective motivator” for people to turn to volunteerism.Read more…