The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few let us continue to ask the Lord of harvest to increase the workers because many have been not reached thirty and hungry for the word of God. It is still highRead more…
What is Holistic Generosity?
When you hear the word “generosity,” what comes to mind? Finances? If that’s your first thought, you are not alone. Generosity and money are intimately connected. But, what happens when you unleash generosity from the confines of money? Let me giveRead more…
What Would Good Friday Look Like Without Generosity?
What would Good Friday look like if Jesus had decided to take care of Himself – for just this one day? If you are over the age of about 20, you have probably seen the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Read more…
The Greatest Act of Generosity, Ever
What is the greatest act of generosity in the history of the world? There are a lot of potential answers that come to mind. And to be fair, a few other articles have already taken a stab this subject. ForRead more…
Fulfilled Prophecies Verify Biblical Truth
Consider this challenging statement—One can oppose and even disbelieve the truth of the Bible, but one cannot disprove any measurable fact mentioned in the Bible. Some biblical truths, like salvation, are accepted by faith. Other biblical truths, such as fulfilledRead more…
Two Famous Men With A Dead Body
Two Famous men with a Dead-body These two persons we find in the concluding chapters of 4 gospels-(Mt: 27:57-60, Mk.15:45-47, Luke.23:50-53, Jn.19:38-42), were no, ordinary persons. The above scriptures tells us that Mr. Joseph from the town of “ArimatheaRead more…
What Would Good Friday Look Like Without Generosity?
Have you ever wondered what Good Friday look like without the generosity of Jesus? Read this blog and see how each historical and spiritual issue was riding on the generosity of Jesus …
A man with a shoulder Bag is at your door
God’s Servants-Are they Beggars? (or) God Anointed to Bless your Household? “He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me” “He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receiveRead more…
Jesus IS Lord
This article focuses on a three-word phrase that is central to the Christian faith. The phrase, JESUS IS LORD, has only one meaning but has innumerable applications. This phrase encompasses all of human history—past, present, and future—and reveals the infiniteRead more…
Produced for the Lausanne Movement’s Cape Town Congress in 2010 for use as an advocacy tool, this video highlights the encouraging things that God is doing amongst children today and also poses a challenge for the church about making childrenRead more…