Radio Series – Other Faiths 4 – Church Antagonism

A small round-table discussion scratches the surface of the following questions. How can Jesus’ followers respond appropriately to other religions? How much does building relationships over long periods of time need to be part of the equation?  If you wouldRead more…

Radio Series – Other Faiths 3 – Apologetics

Most Christ followers are unprepared for challenges to the fundamentals of Christianity. We must be discerning and gentle even as we reply with important questions of our own about the claims made by other religions. If you would like toRead more…

Radio Series – Other Faiths 1 – Why Evangelize?

A small round-table discussion scratches the surface of the following questions. Why should Christians bother trying to communicate to devoted followers of other religions? Can Muslims be followers of Jesus? If you would like to take this content and use,Read more…

¿Seducción del Islam al “Cristiano” Occidente?

       ¿Seducción del Islam al “Cristiano” Occidente?   A.    “Tolerancia” en el Islam frente al “mea culpa” occidental       El Islam desde un principio optó por asimilar a los pueblos que conquistaba ostentando un grado de tolerancia hacia susRead more…


      Islamic Seduction of “Christian” West?   A.     “Tolerance” in Islam vs. the West stance of “Mea culpa”       Since its foundation, Islam chose to assimilate the ethnicities it conquered by providing a degree of tolerance to those whoRead more…