Does the Bible Condone Rape?

A Muslim on Facebook asks, “hussein is this good treatmen [sic] of wojman [sic]” after quoting Deuteronomy 22:28-29. He quotes a rendering of these verses which is off literal translation. His quote, “If a man is caught in the actRead more…

Islamophobia and a Christian: Is it a Sin?

The term islamophobia isn’t in the dictionary yet. In a matter of time, it will find its place. Even though this term should exclusively deal with an irrational dread, fear or hatred of Islam, Muslim organizations such as the CouncilRead more…

Authentic Christianity vs. Syncretistic Islam/Messianic Judaism

After reading Joseph Cummings’ article entitled “Muslim Followers of Jesus?”; I was compelled to respond.  The article attempted to address the issue of whether Muslims that had converted to Christianity were in fact true Christians if they continued to observe MuslimRead more…

Muslim Followers of Jesus?

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Joseph Cumming as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on Islam. Responses to this paper through the Lausanne Global Conversation will beRead more…

What can St Paul teach us about evangelism to Muslims?

Christians and Muslims agree… on the reality of God, revelation, scripture, angels and judgment. But they also disagree; about Christ’s identity, death and resurrection and the authority of the Bible. Given these similarities and differences, what evangelistic approach should weRead more…

Burning Qurans *****

What is the impact of burning Qurans on Christianity and on global evangelism? What do you think about it?