In this interview the director of Media Missionary School, Harold Hay asked me the question: “What 3 things do you wish you would have known ahead of time before pursuing a career as a filmmaker in Hollywood as a Christian?”Read more…
Dr. Larry Poland calls the Church to support filmmakers and media professionals to see the Great Commission fulfilled in our day
If the majority of Christians agree; films, TV, internet, and other forms of media and entertainment have become globally one of the largest spheres of influence in the past 50 years, what are we as Global Church leaders and missionariesRead more…
The incredible fish****
>> Watch this video and enjoy! Help us to spread the word! Recommend this video to your friends, rate it, and leave us a comment. Thank you again. The fisherm@n
Billy Graham’s Son *****
Those of you who know something about my life story are aware that my first full-time job, after military service, was working for Billy Graham. That was 25 years ago in 1986! At that time, I had the opportunity toRead more…
Le fils de Billy Graham *****
Ceux qui connaissent un peu mon histoire savent que ma première activité à temps plein, après mon service militaire, a été de travailler pour Billy Graham. C’était il y a 25 ans, en 1986 ! A cette époque, on m’avait proposéRead more…
Open Letter to Mission Leaders and Staff just published
Hi I’ve just posted this Open Letter on the major opportunities for digital evangelism that missions can be considering. Please give feedback on improving it, and please make it known any way you can. blessings Tony
Hope for the Christian Church Through Global Incarnational Partnerships
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Martine Audéoud and Rubin Pohor as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Hope for the Christian Church through Global Incarnational Partnerships.”Read more…
Etes-vous bénissant ? *****
J’ai reçu ce témoignage d’une jeune fille de Suisse via Facebook. Il m’a beaucoup encouragé, en particulier le post scriptum, et je voulais le partager avec vous, car il illustre ce que le Saint-Esprit fait derrière les écrans. — JeRead more…
Are you a blessing? *****
I received this testimony from a young Swiss woman via Facebook. It really encouraged me, especially the post script, and I wanted to share it with you because it illustrates what the Holy Spirit does behind the computer screens. –Read more…
Ten Ways the Internet Is Changing Evangelism
Ten Ways the Internet Is Changing Evangelism and Missions By John Edmiston June / July 2010 There are currently 1.7 billion active Internet users; another three billion are expected to be added in the next five years. The developing worldRead more…