How Dad’s Shape Kids

Someone said, “If you connect a boy to the right man, he seldom goes wrong.” And I believe that adage to be true. If a dad and a son, or a daughter, can develop some common interests together, the rebelliousRead more…

Have Parents Stopped Using Common Sense?

Why have so many parents forgotten the common-sense approach to child rearing that has worked for generations? Why look for something new? Good question. People began losing confidence in the traditional approach to child rearing during the 1920s and 1930s.Read more…

Hallway of Doors

Let’s talk today about lifelong addictions which often begin during the adolescence years. Imagine, if you will, a long dark hallway with a series of doors on either side. Written on each door is the name of an addiction, suchRead more…

Helping a Single Mom

Many years ago, my wife, Shirley, was working around the house one morning, when a knock came at the front door. When she opened it, there stood a young woman in her late teens, who called herself Sally.

Safe Harbor for Children

Does your home provide an emotional safe harbor for your children — a place where they feel protected and nurtured? The measure of emotional safety at home can have lasting effects on the psychological well-being of your children.

Most Important Values to Teach Your Children

You make a convincing case that beauty and brains are false values that demoralize kids who don’t think they measure up. But what values do you suggest that I teach to my children? I believe the most valuable contribution aRead more…

Prepare Your Child for Independence

My sister’s daughter went off to college at eighteen and immediately went a little crazy. She had always been a good kid, but when she was on her own, she drank like a lush, was sexually promiscuous, and flunked threeRead more…

Spending on Children-Saying “No”

You know, it’s not easy saying “no” to our children in a society that just seems to sanction everything. Watch this feature video for Dr. Dobson’s perspective and advice.

Actions Lead to Consequences

Sheltering a child from the consequences of his own behavior now could help create an immature adult later. Watch this feature video for Dr. Dobson’s perspective and advice.

Terrible Twos

Do the “terrible twos” really have to be so terrible? Just ask any 2-year-old. The answer most assuredly will be “NO.” Watch this feature video for Dr. Dobson’s perspective and advice.