Challenge the Chief

Have you noticed that children will occasionally disobey their parents for the express purpose of testing just how much they can get away with?

Bonding in Marriage

In marriage as in courtship, there’s a simple rule of thumb for intimacy: take your time.  

Attack on Authority

The idea of authority in dealing with children has fallen into disrepute in recent years.  And it’s no wonder.  The moment you even use the word authority, there are people who mistakenly think you are referring to harshness and anger.Read more…

A Father’s PR Agent

In the typical family today is Dad thought of as a hero or a bum?

1,000 Days of Impact

We need not look far to see what happens when the family is compromised, threatened and challenged. What God designed as the foundation of our nation – the classroom for life and a safe haven of love and care –Read more…

Forgiving Your Parents

Have you noticed how difficult it is to forgive your enemies? And it’s even harder when they happen to be your parents. You know, when we’re kids, our needs and feelings are so intense that the wounds and the injuriesRead more…

Wounded Spirits

A growing number of kids today are suffering from an emotional characteristic known as a “Wounded spirit.” Wounded Spirit is the title of a book written by best-selling author, Frank Peretti, about his own painful childhood experiences.

Parental Burnout

I talk to a number of mothers these days, especially those with younger kids who feel like they’re suffering from burnout. If they have to do one more load of laundry, or tie one more shoe, they’ll just explode.

Balance in a Man’s Life

The circus performer who walks the tightrope understands that one skill is needed more than any other, and it is balance. I remember watching the women’s marathon at the summer Olympics in 1984. One competitor still stands out in myRead more…

Dating Your Mate

Many marriages, following the honeymoon, lose the wind in their romantic sails and wallow in the doldrums for months, and even years. Marriages that were once exciting and loving can also get caught in the romantic doldrums, causing a slowRead more…