Divorce may be happening more and more these days, but there’s still something about it that shocks us when we hear that close friends are separating…
While They’re Young
Did you hear about the toddler who was playing in the backyard when an earthquake hit southern California?
Growing Up with Values
It’s been said that values are not taught to children – They’re caught by them. Children absorb what their mothers and fathers believe by watching them in everyday situations.
Grandma’s Off Her Rocker
There was a time when uncles, aunts, brothers, and sisters were available to give parents a helping hand with child rearing.
Forgive and forget. It sure is easier to say than to do.
Family Manipulation
Have you noticed that family members are experts at trying to control one another?
Discipline is like a battery
You know, there are those who believe so strongly in the value of positive thinking that they see nothing to be gained from that which is negative.
Discipline is like a stone carving
“Smithsonian” magazine once featured a master stone carver from England named Simon Verity, a man who honed his craft by restoring 13th century cathedrals in Great Britian.
Diffusing the teenage time bomb
Parents need to make a concerted effort to build bridges to their kids, starting very early to have fun as a family, laughing and talking and doing things to bond the generations together.
Dates with Dad
I’m sure you’ve heard about the father who said that giving his daughter to the man she loved was like giving a Stradivarious to a gorilla.