Wounded Spirits

A growing number of kids today are suffering from an emotional characteristic known as a “Wounded spirit.” Wounded Spirit is the title of a book written by best-selling author, Frank Peretti, about his own painful childhood experiences.

Parental Burnout

I talk to a number of mothers these days, especially those with younger kids who feel like they’re suffering from burnout. If they have to do one more load of laundry, or tie one more shoe, they’ll just explode.

Balance in a Man’s Life

The circus performer who walks the tightrope understands that one skill is needed more than any other, and it is balance. I remember watching the women’s marathon at the summer Olympics in 1984. One competitor still stands out in myRead more…

What Is A Grandmother?

Some years ago a nine-year-old girl wrote a wonderful essay called “What Is A Grandmother?” And this is what the child said. You’re going to love this. She said, “A grandmother is a lady who has no children of herRead more…

Most Important Values to Teach Your Children

You make a convincing case that beauty and brains are false values that demoralize kids who don’t think they measure up. But what values do you suggest that I teach to my children? I believe the most valuable contribution aRead more…

Prepare Your Child for Independence

My sister’s daughter went off to college at eighteen and immediately went a little crazy. She had always been a good kid, but when she was on her own, she drank like a lush, was sexually promiscuous, and flunked threeRead more…

Spending on Children-Saying “No”

You know, it’s not easy saying “no” to our children in a society that just seems to sanction everything. Watch this feature video for Dr. Dobson’s perspective and advice.

Actions Lead to Consequences

Sheltering a child from the consequences of his own behavior now could help create an immature adult later. Watch this feature video for Dr. Dobson’s perspective and advice.

Terrible Twos

Do the “terrible twos” really have to be so terrible? Just ask any 2-year-old. The answer most assuredly will be “NO.” Watch this feature video for Dr. Dobson’s perspective and advice.

Talking About Self-Esteem

If confidence is something we value for our sons and daughters, maybe it would be helpful to assist them in achieving it. Watch this feature video for Dr. Dobson’s perspective and advice.