To Fight Or Not To Fight

A disagreement in marriage is going to happen.  Even though there may be conflict, there should be a way to have it out properly.  Meaning there should never be personal attacks and intense insults that will get the marriage noRead more…

Knowing Your Child’s Learning Style

The following are the three styles in which children learn and comprehend, and that is the visual learner, auditory learner, and the kinesthetic learner. It’s important to determine how your child learns, so that you can better communicate and teachRead more…

Letting Children Express Anger

There are times when parents say thing to their children that is a little over the top.  Often children build up anger because they are not aloud to express some of their frustrations.  Children need to be aloud to expressRead more…

Safety in Learning

Students tend to admire the teacher that can control a class, but not  be mean or oppressive.  A strong teacher that can enforce the rules will enable children to feel safe thus allowing them to thrive in the classroom.

Building Your Mates Self-Esteem

Marriage was intended as a mutual adoration society that builds each others self-esteem.

Time With Children

Have you noticed laughter is the key to getting through the child rearing years?

Riding Down The Rogue

About 20 years ago my family and I took a raft trip down the Rogue River in Oregon, which almost turned out to be my last hurrah!  After floating scerenely for two days, I was suddenly thrown into the turbulentRead more…

When A Spouse Leaves

Have you noticed how the wounded partner in a divorce, the person who is clearly the victim of the others irresponsibility is often the one who suffers the greatest guilt when a marriage breaks up?

Is Motherhood Boring?

It’s common to hear people say that being a homemaker is boring and that mothers who stay at home to raise children are accepting an unchallenging way of life.