The Venture Philanthropists

Venture philanthropy (VP) has become part of the non-profit lexicon, often accompanied by a question mark; “What is…?” or “Could we work with…?” This report aims to answers the many questions that people in non-profit or social organisations have aboutRead more…

Key Facts on US Foundations

In 2012 there were 86,192 foundations in the USA with $715 billion in assets and $52 billion in giving. Strong stock market performance has boosted the assets of many foundations and will undoubtedly encourage more individuals to create foundations. OverallRead more…

The 2014 Philanthropy 400

The Chronicle of Philanthropy drafted a very ranking of the income of US charities. They also rank charities in different categories including international charities and religious charities. Note that the Salvation Army is ranked nr 3, National Christian Foundation nrRead more…

Shaking Up the Ranks of America’s Big Charities

Giving to the nation’s biggest and most popular charities grew by nearly 11 percent last year, fueled largely by affluent donors, who are reordering the top ranks of America’s nonprofits, according to The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s annual rankings of the 400Read more…

7 Ways to Create Highly Committed Donors

 1. Donor perceives you are effectively carrying out your mission. OK this just seems so very basic. But I see many nonprofits who are lazy at telling their story. Let donors see how you are making a huge difference:  weRead more…

Global Generosity Network Newsletter: September 2014

Attached are the cover letter and articles that appeared in the September 2014 Global Generosity Network Newsletter. There is a reflection by Kehinde Ojo, Director for Indigenous Support Development of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students(IFES); the story of poorRead more…

A Kingdom Path Perspective: Encouraging Major Gifts

Years ago I attended a training session on “securing major gifts” for the ministry I served. The seminar shared tips for getting large gifts, and the presenters testified that if I followed their advice, I would reach my funding goals.Read more…