Politics as Usual . . . Pride, Greed, and Lying

Is the Bible relevant for today’s world? If so, it should deal with every aspect of life and relationships, including the political realm and, specifically, the people involved in politics. Three indisputable characteristics of “politics as usual” plague every governmentRead more…

Seven Attributes of a Generous Church

Visit the website to download a seven-page white paper that outlines the seven common attributes of generous churches. These attributes include: The role of leadership in the generous church How vision and generosity are connected in a deeper way thanRead more…

TWR and Faith Reliance

This booklet describes how TWR promotes global, generous living. Through this initiative Christians are motivated to become involved in the Great Commission, the joy and discipline of generous giving is taught as part of discipleship and leaders are trained inRead more…

Divine Sufficiency or Divine Deficiency

Do you trust the Bible as the authority for all spiritual matters and also believe that the Bible is more than sufficient to deal with all aspects of life and relationships? If you answer “yes,” then you are on solidRead more…

40 Day Generous Life devotional

An excellent and very practical devotional by Dr Brian Kluth that helps Christians in their generosity journey. This is one devotional that every Christian should read and use! 

Who’s In Charge Here? Beginning Your Life Stewardship Journey

E.G. “Jay” Link’s latest book ‘Who’s In Charge Here? Beginning Your Life Stewardship Journey’ is now available. The pdf and Kindle versions of the book are posted on the Stewardship Ministries website www.stewardshipministries.org/resources/books/. The pdf and Kindle versions are freeRead more…

The Money Revolution

The Money Revolution helps Christians apply Christian principles to handling their money. Whether we are comfortable, broke, or somewhere in between, we all have questions about money.  The Money Revolution offers a distinctively Christian slant on issues such as:   EthicalRead more…