Meaning is Found in Context

For a word, there is no meaning outside of context. In a way, that is also true for stories. Consider an iceberg. When we tell or hear a story, all that is understood about that story is the tip ofRead more…

Evangelism, Football and National Culture

Let me admit straight away, that I’m not a great football fan; I’ll also admit that the title to this post is just a little hyperbolic! Football as a Conversation Starter Now, I may not be a great football fan,Read more…

Hitchens and The Rage Against God

  In the ongoing discussions of secularization and its merits, value, threats, or significance, a recent book is contributing to the discussion, in particular, the aggressive vision of the New Atheists and some of their strident claims.   The authorRead more…

Truth Matters, Stand Up for Truth

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Carver T.Yu as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Morning Plenary session on “Making the Case for the Truth of Christ in a Pluralistic,Read more…

A Great Misconception-Music the Universal Language

“Ethno-what?” People always say that when they hear what I do. I sigh, knowing the familiar script that will unfold, like one I recently had: “I’m an ethnodoxologist.” Eyebrows raised, the quizzical look ensues. “What in the world is that?”Read more…

Have you met Jesus?

Have you ever been asked who was the person who had the most influence over your life? I seem to be asked that question a lot. My answer is always the same. My grandfather is the one person who taughtRead more…

Technologies Are Not Just Tools

A Response to Al Erisman’s ‘The Face-to-Face Gospel and the Death of Distance’ Technology is a label for all kinds of things humans create. Some are material, such as machines of various sorts. Others are procedural, such as organizational approaches.Read more…

That All May Hear

Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by Grant Lovejoy as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “How To Communicate the Truth to Four Billion Oral Learners.” Responses toRead more…

The Rich Find Reassuring

I am sharing a document about Old and New Testament Teaching Which the Rich Find Reassuring of Paul Davies (All Nations – UK).  Paul and Wilma Davies were several years in Argentina and were de great help for missions movement Red Misiones Mundiales (COMIBAMRead more…

Partnership and Money. A study and exercise (E&S)

My friend and brother Paul Davies (All Nations-UK) was several years in Argentina. Paul in 2002 helped to us about Partnership and Money and relationship with several Churches different countries. I am sharing his presentation. Pablo Davies fue misionero junto con su esposa Wilma en Argentina.Read more…